Customer Winback Email brought $230,000 in revenue

As the market becomes more competitive, the strategy to acquire new customers usually costs 5 times higher than maintaining existing customers. Therefore, winning customer loyalty has always been the top priority. One of the solutions to minimize losing customer rates and raise more revenue from them is to launch customer winback email series. As this solution ramped up the business, the order rate from this type of email increased to 1.6%, bringing back more than $230,000 in profit. You can find out how we did it in the following article.

1. Context

The enterprise in the field of e-commerce wants to maintain the customer retention rate with email marketing.

2. Implementation

Upon many considerations, IMP recommended launching customer winback email series to re-engage existing customers after an idle time. Winback emails, in general, are automatically sent to reconnect with customers who haven’t shopped for a while on the e-commerce site.

Analyze the average days between orders to identify when to send a winback email

To answer the question of how to identify a customer that needs to win back, we tracked down the restocking period (purchasing) in each business. After analyzing the property of the field and the average purchasing period from the customer database, IMP and the brand agree that 30 days is an ideal time to re-approach existing customers.

Therefore, the customer winback email is a reminder to all customers who haven’t purchased in 30 days. It will automatically be sent with a list of products that might interest them.

Customers who haven’t purchased after 30 days will be won back

Here’s how we executed it:

  • Set up an automatic email series based on user behavior.
  • Create 3 different content based on customers’ opening and clicking behavior.
  • Recommend products that match their purchase history and the latest products.
  • Design 2 versions of the subject line to amplify the content when sending to customers.

3. Result

After a year of launching the customer winback email series, the brand has reached $230.000 in revenue from email. Analyzed from the result, the order rate from email rose to 1.6%, which is an admirable rate for businesses in the same field.


The cost to acquire new customers is usually 5 times higher than maintaining existing customers. Therefore, winback email is one of the automated solutions that e-commerce enterprises shouldn’t ignore to increase revenue and take advantage of the existing customer database.

Contact IMP today for a detailed consultant on this email campaign and other similar ones.

IMP provides digital marketing services for global ecommerce companies. Our solutions help businesses increase their profits sustainably and reduce dependency on paid media.